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SafetyTop Tips for Navigating Hurricane Season with Your Pets

August 29, 2023

Hurricane season began June 1st and continues through November 30th. We have seen many late season storms over the past several years that have directly impacted us. When they arise, we closely monitor the progression of all tropical storms and hurricanes. You can sign up for alerts in Hillsborough County by following the link below and registering for updates.

Remember to prepare for your pet’s care during this time. The following information can help keep your pet safe during this time.

  1. Medications and/or prescription diet – keep your dog’s medication updated and refilled with your veterinarian and order prescription food in advance.
  2. Vaccinations – update vaccinations and keep a current copy readily available.
  3. Identification of your pets – your pet’s behavior may change as a storm approaches. Verify your pet’s microchip AND your contact information within that companies portal is current in case your pet is lost.  Keep a current photo of your pet available.
  4. Food and Water – have extra food and water for your pet

For Canine Cabana:

  1. Keep your personal contact information updated
  2. Update or add an emergency contact. We ask that this contact is someone living close to our facility that is not traveling with you that could be easily reached in case of an emergency. It is very important that this person is willing to pick up your dog in the event of a hurricane.

Once a hurricane threatening our area reaches a category 3 or higher, we will evacuate and close our facility. We will proactively communicate any possibility of closures as early as possible via phone calls, texts, emails and social media.

As always, safety is the priority for all of our guests (two legged and four legged) and our team and families. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at any time at 813-672-9663.